Please do not hesitate to contact us.
OSL Gesellschaft fuer
offene Systemloesungen mbH
Schöneicher Straße 18
D-15566 Schöneiche bei Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 8877430-0
Telefax: +49 (0)30 8877430-19
General questions concerning our products as well as sales support:
Note: Mails to this address will only be dealt with the word "[Info]" in the subject line.
Technical questions as well as product support:
Note: Mails to this address will only be dealt with the word "[Support]" in the subject line.
Unix Pathfinder as well as FAQ contributions:
Note: Mails to this address will only be dealt with the word "[Pathfinder]" in the subject line.
Job applications:
Note: Mails to this address will only be dealt with the word "[Personal]" in the subject line.