The RSIO-Protocol has some quite interesting availability characteristics. For example, it may be configured in a way that replacing the only network switch, to change to direct wiring or the like, is possible. While replacing the switch your application will not run into IO errors. In suitable configurations, RSIO clients also survive the reboot of the RSIO server or the failover to another RSIO server without any IO errors.
A long lasting RSIO-Server failure, will - depending on the active application - definitely lead to problems, the protocol may also be configured to generate a timeout.
Despite the aforementioned recovery features, a redundant RSIO-Server layout is strongly recommended for sophisticated requirements. The Pre-Configured packages come with all required components to build a active/active Failover Cluster. Within the next months, we expect to release the possibility for parallel operation of RSIO Servers with implicit Protocol-Failover.